LDAP Authentication

Jan 08, 2020 · Too restrictive Base DN. A common reason for this is the Base DN used at Options → User/Group Sync being too restrictive. The base DN is used to limit LDAP searches to items underneath it. LDAP searches are used to find both users and groups. E.g. if using a base DN like: CN=Users,DC=myorg,DC=edu. then only items under the object ‘Users The entire subtree under the base DN will be searched for user accounts. ldap.alternateBaseDN -- a second DN in the directory can optionally be set. If set, the alternate base DN will be used for authentication, loading single users and displaying a list of users. Content in the base DN and the alternate DN will be treated as one. User Search DN: LDAP user search DN is the root of search for a given user in the LDAP directory. Only user records present in this LDAP directory sub-tree are allowed for authentication. Base DN value is used if this value is not configured. User Search Scope: LDAP user search scope defines how deep to search for the user starting from user Oct 19, 2009 · It seems like the user search is not 'recursive'. if I set my user base dn to: teamcity.users.base=ou=Users. and I have many OUs underneath the Users OU, it won't go down to those OUs to search for the user. If my account resides in ou=USEROU1,ou=Users, I get an ldap login error: cn=useraccount doesn't exist in ou=Users. Jan 03, 2020 · Go to DN. The Go to DN is essentially a search option that allows you to find an LDAP element easily. It can be accessed through the context menu in the LDAP Browser (right click). It is useful for quickly finding Distinguished Names that would relate to configuration settings, such as Base DN, Additional User DN or Additional Group DN. The ldap-base-dn will be where where the ASA starts looking for an authenticated user. I recommend setting this as the first level of your AD tree. The ldap-scope subtree tells LDAP to look for this user in any subtree. The other option is just a single subtree up.

In the Base DN field, choose an option: Enter the Base DN. Leave the field blank to use the base DN specified on the LDAP Connection page. Click OK. (Optional) To add another search rule, repeat the steps. LDAP search rules and exclusion rules. You can specify to …

The role of the bind DN is to query the directory using the LDAP query filter and search base for the DN (distinguished name) for authenticating Zimbra users. When the DN is returned, the DN and password are used to authenticate the Zimbra user. Examples. Possible Active Directory bind DNs. cn=administrator,cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=com - DN format How to Configure Active Directory Server - Knowledge Base

Configuring LDAP Authentication Providers

The distinguished name (DN) of an LDAP user who is allowed to search the LDAP directory if the LDAP server does not allow anonymous access. Password The password of the user. LDAP base DN (users) The base DN subtree that is used when searching for user entries on the LDAP server. Use LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) syntax for the entries. How to find Active Directory Search Base – NCOL.NET Jan 25, 2018 LDAP Configuration Guide - Atlassian Documentation