by W. Van Gelder and V.E. Hauser - IMTEC

TECHNICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION and promote etch uniformity. •Buffered HF's are also used as pre-diffusion and premetallization surface preparations. Buffered hydrofluoric •Etch rates may also vary in SiO2 films due to changes in film densities that result from the presence of dopants. These … A common buffered oxide etch solution comprises a 6:1 volume ratio of 40% NH 4 F in water to 49% HF in water. This solution will etch thermally grown oxide at approximately 2 nanometres per second at 25 degrees Celsius. Temperature can be increased to raise the etching rate. Due to the higher PH value in contrast to unbuffered HF it gives better results in combination with photo resists. The etch rate on SiO2 is (depending on temperature and SiO2 morphology) in the range of 70-90 nm per minute. Typical Fields of Application of Buffered Hydrofluoric Acid BOE is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO 2 films.

• Sirtl Etchant 1 part conc. HF or 50 g CrO3 in 100 ml H2O 1 part CrO3 (5 M) 1:1 = HF : CrO3 solution 500 g/L of solution Etch rate 3.5 m/min. Good on {111}, poor on {100}, faceted pits. • Secco Etchant 2 parts conc. HF 1 part K2Cr2O7 (0.15 M) 44 g/L of solution Etch rate 1.5 m/min. Best with ultrasonic agitation. Good on all orientations.

Buffered oxide etchant (BOE) 6:1 with surfactant General description Buffered oxide etchant (BOE) is a wet etchant used in microfabrication. Its primary use is in etching thin films of silicon dioxide (SiO 2) or silicon nitride (Si 3 N 4).It is a mixture of a buffering agent, such as ammonium fluoride (NH 4 F), and hydrofluoric acid (HF). Concentrated HF etches silicon dioxide too quickly for good process control and also peels photoresist Buffered Oxide Etch - INRF

askavantor force com - Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE) Data

A common buffered oxide etch solution comprises a 6:1 volume ratio of 40% NH 4 F in water to 49% HF in water. This solution will etch thermally grown oxide at approximately 2 nanometres per second at 25 degrees Celsius. Temperature can be increased to raise the etching rate. Due to the higher PH value in contrast to unbuffered HF it gives better results in combination with photo resists. The etch rate on SiO2 is (depending on temperature and SiO2 morphology) in the range of 70-90 nm per minute. Typical Fields of Application of Buffered Hydrofluoric Acid BOE is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO 2 films. A common buffered oxide etch solution comprises a 6:1 volume ratio of 40% NH 4 F in water to 49% HF in water. This solution will etch thermally grown oxide at approximately 2 nanometres per second at 25 degrees Celsius. Temperature can be increased to raise the etching rate. Continuous stirring of the solution during etching process helps to The etch rate increase with temperature and also concentration of HF, and needs to be controlled to ensure uniform etch rate. The temperature of operation is limited between 20 °C and 40°C. The percentage concentration of HF should be between 1% and 8%. The high buffer index of BUFFER HF IMPROVED permits repeated use of the buffer at fixed exposure time. For faster etch rate (approx. 2X) use BUFFER HF IMPROVED at 35 °C. SILICON DIOXIDE THICKNESS VS.